…to the home of my writing–a place for reading, resting (or, alternatively, ranting), and chatting. You might find anything here–the best recipe for chiles relleños, food and traditions handed down through families, art projects that ruin your dining room table, or thoughts about rescue mutts, theology, or Chicago politics. In a world abounding in swirling words, I hope you see something interesting here, stick around and read awhile, and join the conversation here on my blog or on my Substack newsletter on public education. Thanks for stopping by.
Spring in Chicago and the mysterious beginning of the next round
April 15, 2023
Ever retro, I am starting a new blog. I plan to post here weekly.
So welcome to this space–a place to read and share stories, recipes, whatnot. I’ve long written about public education but there is just so much more to think about…
Like, for instance, how terribly difficult the transition is from winter to spring. We just went through this in Chicago, and we’re not all the way there yet…
An old-school conservative goes to a school board training seminar with Awake IL
September 21, 2022
On September 25th I went to a Leadership Institute training in the west suburbs sponsored by Awake IL, a local group, and Moms For Liberty, a national organization. The Leadership Institute (LI) has been training conservatives how to run for public office since 1979 and boasts 250K alumni, including, as our trainer Charlie O’Neill proudly pointed out, Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz. This particular day-long training was to help local folks run for seats on school boards and understand what’s involved in a political campaign, what it takes to win.
Birdwatching in a Post-Apocalyptic Peaceable Kingdom
September 21, 2022
After several days in Havana, a friend and I booked a birdwatching trip and a few days’ stay in the Pinar del Río region in the western part of Cuba.

I am a writer in Chicago who wears many hats. A mom whose interest in her kids’ public schools led to years of public school advocacy, and whose deaf daughter led to years advocating for hearing aid users. A one-time PhD student who threw aside Milton’s theology for glitter, glue, and preschool teaching. A Sunday school teacher and summertime art educator who has worked with all ages of kids for decades. A fundraiser for food insecurity by means of pie. A blogger, essayist, newsletter writer, grant writer, and eulogist with a reach into many communities. At home I’m someone who is hopeless at laundry and happiest in the kitchen. I have two kids who are mostly grown, a husband who is techy yet philosophical, and a little rescue mutt of indeterminate origins. Chicago’s south side is home to me; I love its neighborhoods, lakefront, activists, parks, coffee roasters, and bakeries, and I love sharing what’s wonderful about my city with anyone who’ll listen.
In my essays I’ve chronicled travels overseas and inward, culinary traditions and failures, neighborhood needs and hopes, public schools under attack, and the precarious territory of memory.
Find me on Post and Spoutible.
I also write about public education on Substack at CPF Insider.